Dc 24V To Ac 220V mâ no te puai o te mata'i rorofa'i i roto i te 1-3kva inverter
This product also has direct startup function by mains and allows the users to provide power supply to the load through the by-pass mains when there is no DC input; meanwhile, it also allows to cut off DC under startup status and to automatically switch to the mains by-pass, without influencing the power supply for the load while facilitating the maintenance replacement of the storage battery.

Te mau mana'o tauturu no te tuatapaparaa e te haapiiraa (T.H.D < 3%)
Rahiraa 128*64 te mau haamaramaramaraa no ni'a i te matini roro uira Lcd,4 Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa,;
Faatureraa 19 " Te mau mou'a e ta'uma
5 Te mau e'a turu i te faanahoraa (TE MAU PARAU APÎ O TE EKALESIA, Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa, Te mau haamaramaramaraa hau atu i te faufaa rahi, Te mau haamaramaramaraa e te mau haamaramaramaraa no ni'a i te mau ve'a)
RS232 e RS485 & Te mau mana'o tauturu no te tuatapaparaa e te haapiiraa
Te haavîraa ia'na iho, Te haamataraa o te mau mea e ere i te mea faufaa roa
Te tereraa o te mau pereoo uira: PHPF e tae atu i te HOPEA, AC bypass, Iti mai i te 5ms;
By-pass AC220V input filtering;
Te hi'opo'araa i te tereraa o te faanahoraa;
Te mau hoho'a e te mau hoho'a;
A tapa'opa'o i te poro'i faaararaa aamu e e nehenehe e ani i te reira;
A haamata i te tata'i i te pereoo a tere noa ai te ac e aore râ a te dc;
Automatic start temperature control fan;
Build in voltage regulator Stabilize AC voltage;
Te atuaturaa na ni'a i te itenati /DC e vai ra;
Parururaa :Te parururaa poto i te hopoi'a, no ni'a i te parururaa i te mau hopoi'a, Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa e te aporaa i te mau papa'iraa mo'a, Na ni'a a'e i te mau rave, I ni'a a'e i te anuv
Unattended operation: the system switches automatically to provide AC Power to the load between the DC input and AC input;

Te mau tapa'o faahoro parau: